FI Schema – Credit Card

FI Schema – Credit Card

Credit Card
Credit Card
AccountBasic Profile of the account which should include the Account Owner information, maskedAccNumber and linkedAccRef numbers,
type of account specific to the FI type and any other generic details as might be pertinent for the specified FI type.
maskedAccNumberstringrequiredMasked Account No.
linkedAccRefstringrequiredLinked account reference no. for the account
versionfloatrequiredVersion of Schema
typestringrequiredType of Schema (Fixed: "certificates_deposit")
ProfileBasic Profile of the account which should include the Account Owner information, maskedAccNumber and linkedAccRef numbers,
type of account specific to the FI type and any other generic details as might be pertinent for the specified FI type.
namestringrequiredName of primary holder operating the account.
dobdaterequiredDate of birth of primary account holder.
mobileintegerrequiredPrimary mobile number of account holder.
nomineeenum(Registered, Not-Registered)requiredName of nominee associated with the account.
dematIdstringrequiredDemat ID assigned or issued to investor.
landlinestringoptionalLandline no. of the Account Holder
addressstringoptionalAddress of primary holder.
emailstringrequiredEmail ID of primary account holder.
panstringrequiredPAN number of primary account holder.
ckycCompliancebooleanrequiredKYC status whether its completed or pending
requiredType of credit card - RuPay, Visa, Mastercard, etc
primaryenum(YES, NO)requiredName of Profile holder to whom card is issued
issuedDatedaterequiredIssue date of credit card
maskedCardNumberstringrequiredThe credit card number with some of the numbers masked
SummaryThe value of the account, term of the deposits if relevant and any other data that summarizes the funds in the account.
currentDuefloatrequiredCurrent month outstanding balance on the credit card hold
lastStatementDatedaterequiredDate of last statement generated
dueDatedaterequiredDue date for the oustanding amount which need to pay
previousDueAmountfloatrequiredPrevious month outstanding balance
totalDueAmountfloatrequiredTotal outstanding balance due or need to pay.
minDueAmountfloatrequiredMinimum balance which need to paid.
creditLimitfloatrequiredTotal Credit Limit of cardholder.
cashLimitfloatrequiredTotal Cash Limit of cardholder.
availableCreditfloatrequiredAvailable Credit Limit in the account.
loyaltyPointspositiveIntegerrequiredLoyalty Point earned on the transaction conducted
financeChargesintegerrequiredFinance charges implied by company if applicable
lastClosingRatefloatrequiredClosing Price or Rate on which security trade in the open market
descriptionstringrequiredDescription or details of security in which investment made.
TransactionsDetails of all transactions that have been posted in an account.
startDatedaterequiredStart date of investment since when it is applicable
endDatedaterequiredEnd date of investment when tenure get complete
txnIdstringrequiredTransaction ID recorded or captured for investment made
txnTypeenum(CREDIT, DEBIT) requiredType of transaction whether debit or credit.
txnDatedaterequiredTransaction date time stamp for particular record when investment taken place
amountfloatrequiredThe transaction amount
valueDatedaterequiredAvailable balance or value as on date
narrationstringrequiredNararation is additional details in form of decription of remark associated with investment.
statementDatedaterequiredTransaction date time stamp for particular record when investment taken place.
mccstringrequiredMerchant category code for the given transaction
maskedCardNumberstringrequiredThe credit card number with some of the numbers masked.